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Havasi Marcell
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The history of Samurai Judo Club

The Samurai Judo Club was established by the Havasi family: Imre Havasi and his sons, Viktor Havasi and Peter Havasi judo trainers and former judo competitors as well as Annamaria Fridrich former competitor and judo referee. Despite the fact that the judo club is located on the Buda side, many judokas train here from different sides of the city.

In addition, we are in contact with several primary schools, whose students have the possibility to train in the morning in our club for free as a middle-school activity learning additional physical education. Therefore, we can help the school directors’ work who struggles with the lack of gyms where P.E. should be done, and the children can do sport in safe conditions.

The goal of the founding members is, that Judo as a self-defending marital art should be known and liked by as many people as possible. At the beginning, there were only 10 club members, but after a couple of years this number has increased to more than 150 judokas, thanks to the hard work of the coaches. People from 4 to 74 years can easily find their training plan and physical activity, whether it is just a hobby or a competitive sport for them. Our Motto is: „From professionals not just to professionals”.

Every club member gets a Samurai Codex as a spiritual and moral educational gift, which has a detailed description of the expected and adaptable philosophy, behavior and attitudes. Of course, life is too short to achieve the 7 main virtues described here…

The competitive class within the judo club, established by Viktor Havasi, has been working since 2012 with more than 30 registrated judo competitors, which is the guarantee for children fulfilling their competitive desires.

The Samurai Judo Club is now a member of the national elite judo clubs, many competitors of the club are members of the national team. Because of our results we are supported by ‘MOB Sport XXI’ and by the ‘Heraklesz Bajnok’ program. Our goal is to take part in further national and European competitions as well as in the European World Championship and finally in the Olympic Games.

Havasi Viktor által létrehozott és 2012 óta működő versenyzőszakosztály pedig garancia arra, hogy az élsportolói vágyakkal érkező gyerekek is megtalálhassák a számításukat. A Samurai Judo Club immár az országos szintű versenyzőket kinevelő judo klubok elit csoportjába tartozik, több versenyzőjük a korosztályos nemzeti válogatott tagja. Utánpótlás eredményeik alapján bekerültek a MOB Sport XXI támogatási programjába, valamint a Heraklész Bajnok programba is. A következő évekre már a további korosztályos válogatottság mellé az Európa – Világkupa sorozatokon, majd az utánpótlás Európa bajnokságokon, világbajnokságokon, Ifjúsági Olimpián való részvétel a kitűzött cél.

The competitors of the Samurai Judo Club have already reached very successful results in national judo championships, who are usually gold medalists and scorers of the National Student Olympics and they are proud of being top-class judokas. Last year our young judokas reached successful results in the Youth National Championship with separated girl and boy teams which was a success too due to the Samurai judo coaches.

During our first and second year youth champions also delivered medals and scoring points for youth national championship medals and youth international tournaments.

Many fine medals and scoring points in prestigious international tournaments will further enhance the club's reputation abroad as well. Beginner judokas bring many medals and successful achievements in national competitions too. These results provide the club's leaders the continuous alter growth.

Since the year 2012, the head coach of the Samurai Judo Club, Viktor Havasi, has received a distinguished award from the Mayor of Ujbuda (District XI), Dr. Tamas Hoffmann, for his outstanding work at the Budapest and National Student Olympics. The XI. district schools can be proud of their & quot;Samurai Judo" students. In this club, besides the sport, there is intellectual and artistic education as well.

The effective competition sport needs a lot of money, time and work (national and international tournaments, training camps, entry fees, travel expenses, daily trainings etc.).

The club couldn’t work without the social work of the coaches and the own resources of the club as well as the parents’ support. The cohesive, family-friendly, friendly atmosphere is strengthened by the summer camp and the annual "Samurai Cup" and Christmas club anniversary, where common sports, games and ceremonial announcement of prizes are also held.

The Sports Development Program and Workshop Support, which have been in the judo over the past few years, had a great drive on our beloved sport and its effects were felt by the Samurai JC too. Until now, our sacrificial work could not have been done without the MJSZ's annual workshop support, since we could fund part of the costs of the competitions.

Introducing the club leadership:

Viktor Havasi is the president of the club and the leader of the competitors. Annamaria Fridrich is the vice president of the club and the leader of the economical department too. The professional president is Imre Havasi.

Introducing the coaches:

Imre Havasi: ((Gold Medalist of the Hungarian Judo Association, a university graduate of the Hungarian Judo Federation), a former coach of several successful athletes, a European champion, a world cup medalist, and the trainer of many Hungarian champions. He was a coach in MTK club and was a head coach of Budapest Honved too. He was active abroad as well but his dream was to establish a family judo club. His main task now is professional consulting.

Viktor Havasi (former competitor, certified judo instructor, international judo referee) is the leader of the judo competitors.

Eszter Csizmadia is the first female judoka who was taking part in the Olympic Games (2000 Sydney). World Championships Fifth Place (1999 Birmingham) National and International Competitive Careers in Women's 63kgs: Adult Hungarian Champion 8 times, 1993-EYOD Winner, 1998-1999, 3x World Cup Medalist, European Championships Seventh Place, 1999-Universiade Winner. Certified judo instructor, 1st Class Referee - youth trainer.

Annamária Fridrich (former judo competitor, Olympic judge - international referee) - judo instructor.

Tünde Szurovszki (Hungarian champion, former judo competitor, active national referee) – kindergarten and primary school judo trainer.

Erik Nizsalóczki (physical education teacher and judo trainer) - training school judo program, Adam Jeno Primary School of Ujbuda, Csik Ferenc Primary School

Trainings: 10 training sessions per week (4 for kindergarten students and 6 for primary school students), 9 competitor trainings, 3 adult hobby groups and 5 school-judo lessons.